
Canon Ip Tool Resetter

Canon Ip Tool Resetter

Product Features What's in the box: For Pgi-225 cli-226 Ink Cartridge Chip Resetter 1 Pack.

Ink Level – shows the level ink: • BK – black cartridge. • CY – Cyan cartridge. • MG – Magenta cartridge. • YL – Yellow cartridge. Ultimate Jazz Fake Book Eb Pdf Printer there. • WM – Waste ink counter status.

• WP – “additional” waste ink counter status. Hp Software Printer. Port Name – displays the port where the printer installed. Port S / N – shows the serial number of the printer port. Power – shows the number of: • ON – inclusions printer.

• OFF – to turn off the printer. Cartridge Info – Displays information status of: • BK – black cartridge. • CL – colored cartridge.

Head Parking – displays the number of parking. Head Cleaning – shows the number how many time the cartridge cleaned. Head Deep Cleaning – displays the number of deep cleaning Printer cartridge. Cartridge Replacement – shows the number of cartridge replacements: BK – black cartridge. CL – colored cartridge. IPTool version 1.1.3 Tags:,,,,,.

Features IPTool 1.1.5: - Displays detailed information about your printer, the level of ink in the cartridges and containers for the waste of ink. - Prints test samples for testing nozzles NG. - Cleaning and deep cleaning PG printer pallet cleansing and cleaning rollers. Hp Samsung Wave 533 Theme more. - Change the value of delay in drying. - Change your printer model. - Reading and dumping EEPROM printer.

- Reset counters level black and color ink cartridges. - Reset the counters occupancy 'core' and 'supplementary' containers for the waste of ink.

MAJ11/06/17 Error B200 means the printhead voltage or temperature is not normal. The Printhead could be defective. But first, try these solutions below: Solution 1: Disconnect the power cable from the printer.Wait 1 hour.Connect the power cable Solution 2: Check and Clean Head contact pin condition of the carriage unitCheck Cable connection especially the carriage FFC Solution 3: Turn off the power Open the panel Turn on the power Wait for print carriage to start moving to the left.Let it go past half way Before print carriage reaches left hand side shut the cover. Leave the Printer turned on Solution 4: Unplug the power cable.Open the printerPush the whole print head mechanic to the centerWhile the printer still open, plug the power and turn it ON. When the printhead still moving and is going to the very LEFT, close the cover. Wait until its boot up. Solution 4a: Take out all of the ink cartridgesLift up the grey bar by where the ink goesLeft the print head in the middle of the pr. MAJ 21/12/14 Error 6C10 appears on these Canon printers: MP110,MP550, MP560, MP540, MP600, MP610, MP630, MP800, MP810, MP830, MP970, MP980, MP620, MP640, IP3600, MP990, MG5200, MG5300, MG6100, MG6200, MG8100, MG8200.

It's a 'valv cam sensor error'. Solution 1: Move the printhead to the center.Disconnect the printer and check on the right: is the purge unit ok? No peace of paper? Solution 2: Do a reset of the printer:Power onHold down the 'Resume' button (triangle in a circle) for 15 to 20 seconds. Solution 3: Power off the printer.Open the door.Power on.When the cartridge is in the center, close the door. Solution 4: Open the lid and allow the ink cartridge carrier to center itself. Looking to the right, you will see a row of white rollers behind the carrier. At the end of the rollers there is a small, clear piece of plastic that sticks up. Take a small piece of a paper towel and wipe all of the ink off this piece of plastic.

When that is clean.