Delete File Default Php Public_html Folder

The /img/tasks/ are two folders down from my base path. And finally, there's my image I want to delete which you can make into anything you need to. With this I have not had any problem getting to my files on my server and deleting them.
I've got a solution for this as I just had this problem. Rename the directory 'default' to 'default1' Make a copy of 'settings.php' in another folder. License Key Generator Php. Make a copy of 'default1' folder and name the new copy 'default2' Delete 'settings. Php Upload File Without Submit. php' in the folder 'default2' Now delete 'default1' folder. Rename 'default2' to 'default' This is a very long process but very simple to do.
How To Install Flash On Hp Thin Client. Maybe not the proper way, but it worked for me. At the end of the day I could edit my settings.php file which is what I was after. • or to post comments.