Excel Vba Adobe Pdf Printer

I am working on a series of XLS files in Excel. When I am done with them, I need to print them to PDF so that they can be transmitted to a party outside my firm. Hp Bios Dv6000. Hp Laserjet 400 Drivers Windows Xp here. I recorded a fairly basic macro to allow me to print these files with the same setting every time. Unfortunately, it is not doing everything I need it to do. Basically, I want Adobe to ask me where the file should be saved when it's being printed. Hp 4520 Probook Drivers For Windows 7.
Re: Printing To Pdf This has been asked recently. VBA Code To Print To Specfic Printer It's more trouble than it's worth to even attempt this. Emachines E627 Touchpad Driver Free Download. I would simply use the following code and tell the user to select the PDF printer. How to print to PDF with Excel VBA? Ask Question. Up vote 0 down vote favorite. Excel VBA: How to use a unique username or save location for an export pdf macro.