Install Php5 For Slackware
Installing PHP with Slackware Linux Installing PHP with Slackware Linux Stuart Reedy, v1.07, March 29, 2010 Copyright Stuart Reedy 2003-2010 This document is intended to be a cookbook install of PHP under Slackware Linux. It assumes that you've installed Apache web server using. Software Fr Hp Officejet 5110. I) What you need • A Slackware Linux box on which you can log on as root. • The Apache web server must be installed with mod_so enabled. (For more information, see my. Jefazo Martin Sivak Pdf Printer more. ) • Some type of Internet access (to download the PHP source).

The Slackware Linux installation program is a text-based, menu-driven program that's easy to use. After you have defined your partitions, exit fdisk and start the setup program by typing setup at the prompt. Sep 07, 2016 Hi: Anyone knows how can I install PHP7 on Slackware? Anyone already attempted to install it?
• About half an hour of uninterrupted work time. II) Downloading PHP You can download from one of the PHP. (PHP comes in both and archives. This document assumes the bzip2 type.) NOTE: PHP 5.3 is out. I'm still using 5.2, due to issues with some of the Drupal modules we use. In bzip2 form, PHP 5.2.x is around 9 MB, so if you're using dial-up this will take a while. As of the time of this writing, the current 5.2.x branch PHP is version 5.2.13, so the file you get is called php-5.2.13.tar.bz2 or something similar.
Just store this somewhere that Linux can see it. III) Installing PHP cd to wherever you want the PHP source to live and extract it: cd /usr/src tar jxf / where_php_tarfile_is/php-5.2.13.tar.bz2 Change to the PHP top directory: cd /usr/src/php-5.2.13 Configure PHP: (This assumes that Apache is installed in /home/httpd. If it's not there, you'll need to figure out where apxs lives.)./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs2=/home/httpd/bin/apxs (NOTE: Apache must be installed with mod_so enabled.) Assuming there are no error messages from configure, it's time to make and install PHP.