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New Super Kodiak Grayling Green Messages posted to thread: From: Date: 04-Jan-18 Received a new Bear Super Kodiak Grayling Green from BigJim this week. I have been wanting one of these so when I saw he had some new ones I jumped on it.
Do What You Are Paul Tieger Pdf Printer. From: Date: 04-Jan-18 Shouldn't that be Gainseville Green?;-) Congrats From: Date: 04-Jan-18 From: Date: 04-Jan-18 Any photos maybe? From: Date: 04-Jan-18 From: Date: 04-Jan-18 From: Date: 04-Jan-18 From: Date: 04-Jan-18 From: Date: 04-Jan-18 From: Date: 04-Jan-18 From: Date: 04-Jan-18 Considering this model was discontinued after 2015 I was surprised to see a 2017 number. Kyocera Fs 720 Driver Windows 10 more. Fingerprint Sensor Hp Driver Windows 8. From: Date: 04-Jan-18 Heat, great looking bow! Glad you got yours. I ordered one from Big Jim as well.
Mine should be here tomorrow. It is 64 inch 50lb. I have a 1970 60 inch and been wanting a 64 inch Super Kodiak.
I was surprised as well to see this color combo. It’s the color I was wanting so I jumped on one as well. Big Jim had them at a great price also. From: Date: 04-Jan-18 Feel free to post your pics here too Barber when you receive your bow.
I shot mine today. Might need to move the nocking point a tad but I can already tell that this bow shoots pretty fast and plenty hard for a 50# bow. So happy we have a guy like BigJim around here. Keygen Php Fv there. Not only does he make some great bows he is a top notch dealer for Bear bows.
I'm grateful for sure!