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I need help with installation of php-devel (I need it, cause it has phpize, which is necessary to install eAccelerator). Install Mcrypt Php Extension Centos 6. Thanks Taylor Taff, @user1981251 and @Valentin Ursuleac. I was having an issue installing 'php-devel' on CentOS 6.3 with PHP 5.5. Hence was getting the conflict. After reading it here I looked closely and noticed that with yum install php-devel the php-devel 5.3 was getting installed. First I searched for yum search php53 - Nothing Returned. Then I searched for yum search php55 - Got the huge list.

One among them was php55w-devel-5.5.25-1.w6.x86_64. Hence I issued the command as yum install php55w-devel.x86_64. Successfully Installed. Thanks everyone – May 29 '15 at 6:46 •. Taking into consideration that I have different things installed from different repos, the only way was to delete all packages installed from Remi's repo and install standard packages with yum. 1) List all packages installed from some strange repo (in my case @remi), e.g. Yum list installed grep remi.
PHP Devel Studio 2.0 beta WindowexeAllkiller Download: Free Download WindowexeAllkiller is a free software which can remove unwanted software from your computer at once. Studio Devil Downloads Area Welcome to the Studio Devil downloads area. Studio Devil for Windows (32 and 64-bit). For Windows - v1. Descargar Gratis Programa Para Resetear Impresora Epson Tx320f. 0 Vacuum Tube Preamp Modeling.
2) Remove all packages completely from the system with yum remove NOTE: after httpd restarting - all sites will DIE! 3) Quickly install all bunch of things you need, e.g. Driver Hp Deskjet 990c Windows 8. Yum install php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-mbstring php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc etc. 4) Restart httpd and start mysql server. 5) Your sites are alive again. The only thing why I did all this is cause I wanted to install eAccelerator for php to speed it up a little bit (and it's installation was impossible because of remi's repo packages), and I'm happy that I did it!
All scripts works 2-10 times faster (I could not even imagine that my sites can respond so fast).
Software Application Disclaimer The text above is not a recommendation to remove PHP Devel Studio 2.0 beta by SoulStream Company, Inc. Hp Laserjet Professional M1210 Mfp Series Driver. From your PC, nor are we saying that PHP Devel Studio 2.0 beta by SoulStream Company, Inc.
Is not a good application for your PC. This text simply contains detailed instructions on how to remove PHP Devel Studio 2.0 beta supposing you decide this is what you want to do. The information above contains registry and disk entries that Advanced Uninstaller PRO discovered and classified as 'leftovers' on other users' PCs.