Repair Manual 2hp Johnson Seahorse
Engine Repair & Maintenance. Johnson & Evinrude Outboards. 1964-1972 Yamaha P45 2hp. Owners manual Johnson Seahorse CD-15.
Re: Owners manual Johnson Seahorse CD-15 Hello again JohnRudeMan. The prices and condition on vitnage motors can vary greatly here in the States based on where you live. However, for a non-running motor with the tank you could probably get $300 maximum, probably more like $200.

If it was running and in good cosmetic condition, you could perhaps get more. I'm not sure how that would correlate to prices in Holland. However, it seems like motors are generally more expensive in Europe versus the States. Based on that assumption, you might expect to pay $300-$400 (just a guess) for the motor you described.
Cara Install Windows Xp Di Hp Compaq Presario V3000. Check ebay for restored/functioning motors. You may be able to get one for less than you think. The good news is that these vintage OMC (Johnson/Evinrude) motors are very reliable, easy to fix and parts are still readily available, so if you did get the motor it would be relatively cheap and inexpensive to get running again. Generally speaking, you can rebuild the carburetor, ignition, install a new water pump for less $100. Re: Owners manual Johnson Seahorse CD-15 Hello kfa4303, thank you very much for your reply! I guess you're right with the price.
In the Netherlands these old Johnsons and Evinrudes are very rare. Other types such as Scott atwater, Elgin, West Bend etc. Are really hard to find too! In Holland there are lots of outboards from the '60 and '70, but because there are not many from the '50, I expected they are very expensive.
The problem was, I didn't know how expensive they are. Download Hp Mercury Quality Center Free. But thanks to your reply, I have a good price indication. Greetings JohnRudeMan Sorry for my bad English. Re: Owners manual Johnson Seahorse CD-15 Yeah it's just a reference. and other sites sell similar motors and I believe they do ship. If you have a good running, half way decent CD with a pressure tank you can get $300. Most motors down here get rode hard and put up wet.
They're almost all used in saltwater year round, so even if they run well they tend to be pretty ugly even if they're just a few years old. The sun and saltwater are brutal.
There are certainly good deals to be had. I'm trying hard not to buy an early 60's 3 hp for $50 and/or a 60's Evinrude 35 hp for $100 (Must resist. Resistance is futile.
Resistance is futile. LOL.) However, generally speaking you don't see deals quite that good. Intel Hd Graphics 4000 Driver For Windows 7 64 Bit Hp. The hp is a big factor too. 5.5 is kind of small if you want to go out in to the Gulf/Atlantic, so you're more likely to see 9.9 hp and up. If you want to be real creative, you could make a motor using an air cooled, lawnmower engine and mate it to an OMC lower unit.
Check you tube and you'll see all kinds of cool contraptions people have come up with. As a matter of fact, they now make professionally built 'mud motors', which are essentially just air cooled 4 stroke motors with gearcases and/or long direct drives on them. They're great for all of the swamps and super skinny water folks like to get into her in Florida, and you don't have to worry about water cooling the engine. Lawnmower motor.
Re: Owners manual Johnson Seahorse CD-15 Thanks for all your help! It is very hard to find an old outboard on Ebay that is cheap enough and can be ship to the Netherlands. 95% of the outboards are local pick up or can ship only to the United States. Epson Tm-t88iv Receipt Printer Driver For Windows 7. There are only a few old outboards left in Holland, and most of them are in very bad shape or they are owned by collectors.
The outboards owned by collectors are in good shape, but these motors are very expensive. Here is a link from an collector in Holland who sells his old outboards: Greetings JohnRudeMan.