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Jun 20, 2012 Introduction to Linux - A Hands on Guide This guide was created as an overview of the Linux Operating System, geared toward new users as an exploration tour and getting started guide, with exercises at the end of each chapter.

You may be confused, as I was, by the instructions for installing cURL in php. Cara Mendownload Lagu Menggunakan Hp Nokia Tipe Rm-924. The instruction 'To use PHP's cURL support you must also compile PHP --with-curl[=DIR].'
Was murky to me, since I didn't compile php when I installed it. I just copied all of the necessary files to the correct folders as described very clearly in the php manual. I am using Windows XP and Apache with php 5.1.6. In this situation, and it may apply to php versions of 5.0 and later, all one needs to do is remove the ';' from the front of the directive extension=php_curl.dll.
You should also check to make certain that libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll are in your php directory with the other dll's. This directory should already be in you path, so the instruction to put them in you path is not critical. You can then run phpinfo() and you should see a heading for curl in the listing. Succinctly, my installation of cURL consisted of removing the semi-colon in front of the;extension=php_curl.dll line in php.ini, saving php.ini and restarting Apache. You may wish to try this if you are using php 5.0 and later and are having difficulty understanding the instructions on the cURL installation page at You might also find the information at useful. If you are running on Windows with a Wampserver or alike preconfigured PHP, if you did everything that was advised (path is correct, dlls are in the System32 or the Wow64 folder, php_curl extension uncommented in the php.ini, rebooted your machine and restarted your services), and you still receive messages saying that curl is not installed: - maybe you are running a command line script (and not a curl instruction within a web application).
If yes, remember that there are 2 distinct php.ini configuration files: one for the php-cli commands (run php at command line) and one for the php instructions (run from a page in your www folder). Wampserver's menuitem 'php.ini' only opens the webserver's php.ini, not the php-cli one. So it will be great to check your php-cli's php.ini configuration file! (you'll find it in the php.exe's installation folder) You need to uncomment the extension php_curl in this php.ini file for the command lines to work with curl.
Also uncomment the php_openssl extention by the way (often used with curl). I hope this fixed issue will help someone else:). On Windows hosts libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll have to be path-accessible for php_curl.dll to work correctly. Copying them into System32 (or even into the Windows main directory) is a bad hack (and does not even work with newer PHP versions). The right way to do it, is to add the PHP path to the Windows *Path* variable. In *Control Panel* -->*System* click on *Advanced System Settings* and use the button *Environment Variables*.
Under *System Variables* you will find the *Path* variable. Edit it and append `;C:/PHP` to it - or whatever the path to your PHP root folder is. Just an additional note for Windows XP installations. The instructions others have courteously given still lack one small item for those who have the Windows/system32 directory as the repository for the.dll files concerned with php_curl. Go to the ext directory of your php installation and copy php_curl.dll to the Windows/system32 folder after you have followed the advise given elsewhere.
Erroll Garner Transcriptions Pdf Printer. 1) remove ';' from extension=php_curl.dll in php.ini 2) ensure that ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll are in Windows/system32. 3) Copy php_curl.dll into Windows System32 as well. G'day bearstate. A tip for users that now use the latest version of Windows 7 Ultimate, Apache 2.2.22 and PHP 5.4.4.
If you manually installed PHP and did not change the PHP folder name such as 'C: php-5.4.4-Win32-VC9-x86' you don't need to add the curl libs into the System32 directory. Instead, modify the php.ini cURL extension to point directly to the php_curl.dll as follows: extension=C: php-5.4.4-Win32-VC9-x86 ext php_curl.dll I added the libs to system32 and moded the path as well just in case.
Worked well for me. At least for windows builds of PHP, module dependencies (such as 'libeay32.dll', 'libssh2.dll', 'ssleay32.dll', etc. For php_curl) are mentioned in 'snapshot.txt' included in the base folder of each PHP install. For WampServer (I'm on an old version of 2.0 but this still applies at least up to version 2.5), ensure that all dependencies are listed in an array assigned to '$phpDllToCopy' in 'Wamp scripts'. This ensures that when you switch the version of PHP in WAMP, WAMP copies the dependencies from the base folder of the selected PHP install (e.g. Crack Phpmaker 11. , 'Wamp bin php php5.4.42') to the 'bin' folder of the currently selected version of Apache (e.g., 'Wamp bin apache apache2.2.13 bin'). This also keeps you from either manually doing the same (whereby it should be noted that the versions of the dependencies often differ between versions of PHP, so you may have to do this each time you switch the current version of PHP), copying the appropriate dependencies to the Windows 'System32' or 'SysWOW64' subfolders, or manually adding the path to the currently used version of PHP to your PATH environment variable.